Kein Mitleid

The music pulsed through my head, painfully loud, but leading me ever faster into the oblivion which lay before me.

my country 'tis of thee...

"...we have lost our purpose, our moral ambition, our sense of social
 obligation...the United States is turning into a second-rate nation
 and a Third World country...the United States of Incompetence."
-- Art Carey

"Yes I know my enemies
 They are the teachers who tauhgt me to fight me
 Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission
 Ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite
 All of which are American dreams..."
-- Zack de la Rocha

"Propaganda is not concerned with what is true or false, good or
 bad...these messages capitalize on our prejudices and a
 propaganda war, any tactic is considered fair."
-- Ann McClintock

"money can make life easier, but it can also make life miserable.
 poverty can be bad, but it can also be fine.  convention has some
 good points and some bad points.  what it all comes down to is a
 flexibility that should allow for the well being of the individual
 without compromising the rights of other individuals."
-- Richard M. Hall

"We ought to examine why students, so anxious to wield the Fourteenth
 Amendment, give short shrift to the First.  Yes, Virginia, there are
 racist assholes.  And you know what, the Constitution protects them,
-- Barry Endick

"If there is any principle of the Constitution that more imperatively
 calls for attachment than any other, it is the principle of free
 thought - not free only for those who agree with us, but freedom for
 the thought we hate."
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes

"Perhaps it sounds barbaric to talk of flogging and amputation, and
 perhaps it is.  But our system of punishment also is barbaric, and
 probably more so.  Only our cultural smugness about their system and
 willful ignorance about our own make it easy to regard the one as
 cruel and the other as civilized.  We inflict our cruelties away from
 public view, while nations like Pakistan stage them in front of
 10,000 onlookers.  Their outrages are visible; ours are not.  Most
 Americans can live their lives without having their peace of mind
 disturbed by the knowledge of what goes on in our prisons.  To choose
 imprisonment over flogging and amputation is not to choose human
 kindness over cruelty, but merely to prefer that our cruelties be
 kept out of sight, and out of mind."
-- Stephen Chapman


"Television is the great disinformation machine."
--  Neil Postman

"Television - a medium. So called because
 it is neither rare nor well done."
--  Ernie Kovacs

"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, nor any likeness of
 anything that is in Heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or
 the waters beneath the earth."
--  the 2nd Commandment

"Television is an invention that permits you to be entertained in
 your living room by people you wouldn't have in your home."
--David Frost

"Television: chewing gum for the eyes."
--Frank Lloyd Wright

"I wish there were a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence.
 There's a knob called 'brightness,' but that doesn't work."

"Give a human a book and he will read for a day.  But give a human a
 television device, and he will NEVER READ AGAIN!"
--The One Known as Rupert Murdoch

the root of all evil... {addiction, of course}

"i know tons of people that eat meat, smoke cigarettes,
 drive cars, use drugs, etc., even though they know that
 these things will ultimately hurt the quality {and length}
 of their lives."

"smoking kills over five times more people
 in the U.K. than road and other accidents,
 murder, manslaughter, suicide, illegal
 drugs, and a.i.d.s. put together

 in 1993, DAT industries {tobacco company}
 in the U.K. alone made a trading profit of
 1.21 billion pounds {$1,936,000,000} from tobacco"

"tobacco use has harmed and killed more people than all
 human wars combined."

-- Richard M. Hall

"Drugs are stupid, especially weed - you don't need drugs to relax or
 get crazy.  If you can't do things for yourself, don't do them."
-- Ed Templeton
   professional skateboarder

2 B R not 2 B...?

Life's a bitch and then you die, so we all have something to look forward to.
                                      -- Joshua A. Herbez

Life sucks, then you get cancer, then you go into chemotherapy and lose all your hair and you
feel bad about yourself , but all of a sudden the cancer goes into remission; you come out,
you look good, you feel good, you're feelin' great, and all of a sudden you have a stroke: you
can't move your right side.  And one day you step off the curb at 68th by Lincoln Center and
BANG you get hit by a bus, and then, MAYBE, you die.
                                      -- Dennis Leary

We all have to die Sunday; I mean, SOMEday...
                                      -- Nathan F. Teske

We've so much time and so little to see!
                                      -- Willy Wonka

What you do with your own body is your choice.
                                      -- Richard M. Hall

No other death leaves friends and relatives with long-lasting feelings of distress, shame,
guilt, puzzlement, and general disturbance.  These survivors are themselves victims, having an
especially high mortality rate in the year following the suicide of the loved one.
                                      -- Gerald C. Davison

Only God has the right to create or destroy life.
                                      -- Michael L. J. Baham

People who kill themselves deserve to die.
                                      -- Dr. Linden Avery

Pain is life; only the dead feel no pain.
                                      -- Thomas Covenant
inherent meaninglessness of life...intolerable psychological pain...
aggression turned inward...self-annihilation...cessation of consciousness...